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Your Heard Tell For 21SEP2023
Germany’s Economic Trouble, Devil’s In The ESA/School Choice Details, 2024 Polling, Trigger Warnings w/guests Arman Sidhu & Frances An
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Your Heard Tell Show for Thursday, September 21th, is turning down the noise of the news cycle and getting to the information we need to discern our times by looking at the growing economic troubles in Germany, and how the sudden end to cheap fossil fuels from Russia has laid bare some flaws in Germany’s attempts to transition to renewables while also being the manufacturing and economic engine of the EU, and the teachable lessons other nations should be learning from the crisis. Our guest is educator, writer, and Young Voices contributor Arman Sidhu,who talks about how the devil is in the details when it comes to school choice legislation, getting beyond buzzwords on education reform, the good and bad of education savings accounts and how to discuss it, how COVID forever changed education, and how to have a more productive discourse about education. Then, we check in with the latest primary polling in…