Something #Basta This Way Comes

Andrew Donaldson
7 min readSep 11, 2018
By Luke Harold [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons

Nature, allegedly, abhors a vaccum. Politics even more so, and when there is an absence of leadership all things tend to spiral in chaos until that leadership vaccum is filled. Though resistance to President Trump is nearly universal on the left, just who exactly is the leader of that movement is very much up for debate. Even with the prospects of a “blue wave” in the upcoming mid-terms, the Democrat Party is still more united in hatred of Trump than joining under any one banner. With a divisive president and both cyclical and historical trends that favor the minority party in non-presidental election years, it might not matter much. But in the looming 2020 battle for the White House, leadership most certainly will matter, and whoever can take the mantle will be the favorite for the nomination to challenge Donald J. Trump.

But who?

I think it’s going to be candidate-driven. I think the reason why a lot of these voters that make up (Trump’s) base are not abandoning him is because we don’t have a reasonable alternative. When I say a reasonable alternative, I’m not talking about a platform position or a series of ideas or issues — I’m talking about an



Andrew Donaldson

Writer. Mountaineer diaspora. Veteran. Managing Editor @ordinarytimemag on culture & politics, food writing @yonderandhome, Host @heardtellshow & other media