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Heard Tell w/ Andrew Donaldson for 15FEB22
Super Bowl Halftime, Defining Freedom, Biden’s SOTU, Market vs Government Action on Environment, guest Jakob Puckett
Heard Tell for Tuesday, February 15th, 2022 is turning down the noise and getting to the information we need about how the Monday reaction to the Super Bowl halftime show is mostly posing caterwauling and has little to do with what happened on the field, since so many folks’ business models need that level of cultural attention and outrage. President Biden is getting some advice leading up to his State of the Union address to be humble and not try to soft peddle the struggles of the America people says…David Axelrod? We talk about the former Obama strategists’ wise advice for the president. The Canadian Trucker protests are driving a conversation about what freedom is, what it isn’t, and how it should be defined. Guest Jakob Puckett of Young Voices joins us to talk some environment and climate issues, such as how market based solutions to things like innovation, GHG emissions, and alternative energies are better than waiting for the government to decide what is coming next, since they often guess wrong. Jakob also explains how the energy creation process works, how the cost of generation and distribution affect your energy bill, and how regulation and innovation can and cannot…