Heard Tell w/ Andrew Donaldson For 07FEB23

Ukraine, Spanish Speaking US News Coverage, Propaganda, & more w/ Tania Rak & Daniel Chang Contreras

Andrew Donaldson
2 min readFeb 7, 2023

Your Heard Tell for Tuesday, February 7th, 2023, is turning down the noise of the news cycle and getting to the information we need to discern our times by turning to writer & commentator Tania Rak on the war in her native Ukraine, escaping Mariupol, refugee crisis, Poland’s assistance, how tech and social media have changed the propaganda war, and how her generation of Ukrainians now view freedom while fighting Putin’s war of aggression in their country. Plus, Daniel Chang Contreras returns to Heard Tell to talk about how the political talk about “Spanish language outreach” is really recieved, how to do it right & what so many get wrong, how Spanish language news media coverage can be completely different than English speaking even when owned by same parent companies, and why understanding cultural differences is key to making political inroads in any language.

All that and more on this Tuesday edition of Heard Tell.



Andrew Donaldson

Writer. Mountaineer diaspora. Veteran. Managing Editor @ordinarytimemag on culture & politics, food writing @yonderandhome, Host @heardtellshow & other media