Heard Tell w/ Andrew Donaldson For 06Feb23

Andrew Donaldson
2 min readFeb 6, 2023

Covering Local Government, Lessons From Idaho Wind Farm, & more w/ Adam Bass & Gabriella Hoffman

Your Heard Tell for Monday, February 6th, 2023, is turning down the noise of the news cycle and getting to the information we need to discern our times by talking to North Star Reporter and WBSM contributor Adam Bass about covering local government, how functions like city council meetings really work. why the public should pay attention and attend such meetings, and why the public needs to have a rotation of local reporters in their national story heavy news media rotation. Then, our friend Gabriella Hoffman, writer, commentator, and host of the District of Conservation Podcast returns to update us on her coverage of a wind farm project in Idaho that has started to get national coverage. Gabriella explains how this story has many lessons to draw from as different government agencies, business interests, and locals are all colliding on Lava Ridge. Also, the very old problem of land use is getting new complications with environmental concerns and conservation groups under pressure from the growing green energy sector and government push for the green revolution to come right now.



Andrew Donaldson

Writer. Mountaineer diaspora. Veteran. Managing Editor @ordinarytimemag on culture & politics, food writing @yonderandhome, Host @heardtellshow & other media