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Fear and Loathing Among the 1%ers
The DNC has finally decided to winnow down the baseball team-sized field of Democratic Nominee hopefuls by September of this year.
Usually a lower tier presidential candidate hopes to make it to at least the first primary or two, or when the money runs out, whichever comes first. This cycle though, the DNC has finally decided to winnow down the baseball team-sized field of Democratic Nominee hopefuls by September of this year:
To appear in the first and second debates in June and July, candidates must poll at least 1% and have received donations from 65,000 donors with a minimum of 200 in at least 20 states. It will be even more challenging to qualify for the third debate: candidates will need to reach at least 2% in the polls and will need 130,000 individual donors with a minimum of 400 in at least 20 states.
The list of approved pollsters will change for the third debate. Not only will candidates need to hit 2% from four, rather than three, polls, but also Reuters and Las Vegas Review Journal have been removed from the list. The list still includes a range of other pollsters including the Associated Press, the major broadcast networks, New York Times, NPR, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and Quinnipiac University. Only polls published between…